IKP Foundation supporting organization: Sitarampur Vivekananda Seba Pratistan
Like many other remote towns in West Bengal, the town Sitarampur is in the district of South 24-Parganas with a population of 219,090. All of them are considered either as scheduled caste (SC 35%) or as other backward classes (OBC 51%). Almost 45% of the population does not have any education. This deficiency shows immensely in the teaching of the children. Even though education is free in public schools, there is a lack of family support and individual attention in public schools with a large volume of students in each class, and school dropout is often considered a social norm. Moreover, in classes I to VIII, there is an examination for promotion to the next grade. When the examination is introduced in class IX, dropout is sometimes >50%. Students cannot read or write a small sentence or do basic arithmetic. To alleviate this problem Sitarampur Vivekananda Seba Pratistan (SVSP) set up “Nivedita free coaching center” to help the students in continuing education. With the help of six teachers, the center coaches 118 students from nursery to class IX. The center also counsels the children about the evil effects of child labor, trafficking, and underage marriage.