
Dealing with the present economic conditions of the poor is a tremendous task. This condition is the result of insignificant or no education at the early age of the population. Therefore, the members of the Isan & Kusum Paul Foundation believe supporting underprivileged children with education at the early age is essential to the future of a country. Providing food, shelter, and health care to the orphan and distressed children are also our goal.


The members meet periodically and discuss Foundation plan and implementation. The plan includes distributing a specified budget to the organizations that are directly involved in helping underprivileged children. We select the organizations based on their country’s rules and regulations on charitable activities including registration and tax-exemption. We also review their last four years of annual and audited reports to be sure that most of the donation utilized for the benefit of the children with minimum administrative cost. Once the organizations are funded, we periodically visit the children at the site to evaluate the outcome and their future needs.