Natural Disaster And Pandemic Disease

IKP Foundation supporting organizations: Rupntaran Foundation, Sabuj Sangha, Ramakrishna Mission Seba Pratistan

The southern part of West Bengal lies in the delta region of the Bay of Bengal. During monsoons, frequent cyclones and salt-water flooding cause extreme hardship to people looking for food, drinking water, and medicine. The problem multiplies when the Covid-19 pandemic restricts the movement of social volunteers who are willing to help. In this desperation, however, IKP Foundation-supported organizations went deep into the villages and offered people the essential materials to support their living.

IKP Foundation support: During the period of disaster and pandemic (2020-2022) the foundation offered financial support to voluntary organizations to distribute food and essential materials to more than 500 families living in interior villages.

Atghara after disaster

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Mousuni after natural disasters & pandemic

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