
Here you will find pictures and videos
of the children and the events of all our projects.

Atghara, 24-Parganas (N)

Two projects, Anandakendra Home and Road-to-Life, are managed by an organization named Society for Equitable Voluntary Actions (SEVA). Both projects are in the village of Atghara, North 24-Parganas, West Bengal, close to the border of Bangladesh.
IKP Foundation supports: Coaching, nutrition, and health to forty-two young children who were left out of education.

Atghara  – A beautiful and song and dance by our children – 2018

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Bolpur, Birbhum

IKP Foundation supports: Coaching 130 children in nine villages and preparing them to continue their education in school.  Members of the IKP Foundation visited all nine centers in March 2022 and found the children highly motivated keeping teachers constantly engaged. 

Bolpur  –  The children learning the rhymes – 2018

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mousuni, South 24-Parganas

Mousuni is in one of the islands of Sundarbans area of South 24-Parganas. Most of the children in this area are first-generation learner and do not perform well in free public schools where a teacher teaches 80-100 children in a class.
IKP Foundation support: Forty vulnerable children with educational coaching to complete high school education.

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sitarampur, 24-Parganas (S)

The town Sitarampur is in the district of South 24-Parganas with a population of 219,090. All of them are considered either as scheduled caste (SC 35%) or as other backward classes (OBC 51%). Almost 45% of the population does not have any education.
IKP Foundation supports: One hundred eighteen vulnerable children.

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taldi, 24-Parganas (S)

Taldi is a rail station and a town in a district of South 24-Parganas, West Bengal. The entire area is vulnerable to seasonal cyclones and flooding. The area population is approximately 30,000 with a household income of around INR6,000 ($76) per month.
IKP Foundation support: Coaching 40 children and preparing them to continue their education in school.

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Banagram, Burdwan

Banagram is a village south of city Bardhaman. In 1978, a few Swamijis (Hindu saints) with the help of some philanthropists established a center named Paramananda Mission to support the children with food, shelter, and education. At present, the Mission has a school (K to grade 10) and a residential place to accommodate 350 orphan boys of different social and religious backgrounds.
IKP Foundation support: Contributes to common fund to support education, food, shelter, and healthcare. IKP Foundation supported the organization since 2016. From January 2022 support to the organization is on hold due to loss of their federal certification. 

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Manirtat, 24-Parganas (S)

We supported the project at Manirtat over the past 4 years (2018-2021). Every year about 40 students benefited from our support. Since January 01, 2022, the project has been moved to an island of the delta of the Ganges River, South 24-Parganas. See project “Mousuni, 24-Parganas (South)” for details.

Manirtat – Our ride on an unpaved road – 2018

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Healthcare, kolkata

Healthcare in India is not streamlined in the best interest of the people. For a serious disease, it may vary from an expensive world-class treatment to an herbal or homeopathic treatment which costs far less but is clinically unacceptable. Uncontrolled costs and lack of public understanding of a disease and its proper care are major problems. In 1939 a group of monks of Ramakrishna Mission set up a maternity clinic to support both mothers and babies. Later, the clinic turned into a major low-cost hospital in the City of Kolkata. At present, the Ramakrishna Mission Seva.


The southern part of West Bengal lies in the delta region of the Bay of Bengal. During monsoons, frequent cyclones and salt-water flooding cause extreme hardship to people looking for food, drinking water, and medicine. The problem multiplies when the Covid-19 pandemic restricts the movement of social volunteers who are willing to help. In this desperation, however, IKP Foundation-supported organizations went deep into the villages and offered people the essential materials to support their living.

Atghara after disaster

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Mousuni after natural disasters & pandemic

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In 1917, a spiritual brotherhood of monks and selfless workers lead by Swami Pranavanandaji Maharaj founded an organization in the name of Bharat Sevashram Sangha. It is a philanthropic and charitable organization primarily focused on helping people in times of flood, famine, and disastrous conditions. It also offers financial help and guidance to institutions involved in education for economically depressed children at minimum or no cost to them. Almost 82,255 students in school and 7,083 students in hostels received help from their program Bharat Sevashram Sangha annual report 2020-2021). Therefore, we the IKP Foundation members have decided to contribute to their educational fund that helps poor children in education.

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